Grants, Fundraisers & Loans
Fundraising Ideas
![]() Garage Sales This is an oldie but a goodie! And there are several options:
* Price everything and have an old fashioned garage sale *Or let people give what they want for your items *Pay a fee and join in a community garage sale *Sell doughnuts and coffee in the morning, bottles of water if it is the dog daze of summer and sell other fundraiser type products as well. *Collect friends, families, neighbors, co-workers, church friends and strangers unwanted items. Also check out your local Freecycle to get free things from people in your area. A Child's Desire has developed a great fundraiser selling Kid Safe ID cards to your local daycare's and preschools. A Mother's Love is a wonderful website hosted by Valerie Ganon, an adoptive mother herself, which currently helps people all across the country through fundraising to defray the cost of their adoption processes and infertility treatments. Baby Bottle Campaign Buy bottles in bulk (or get used ones donated) and design a paper flyer to go in each bottle telling about your adoption. Then distribute them to friends, family, businesses, churches, schools, day cares who ever is willing and have them collect spare change to put into the bottles. Babysitting You can offer to babysit for friends and co-workers whenever they need you and take in a little extra cash with very little work or planning. You can also take babysitting to a whole new level and plan a night of childcare at a local daycare! *Example: Hannah did this fundraiser from 6-11 PM as a Parent's Night Out on Friday nights. She charged $25 for 1 child, $45 for 2 children and $15 for each additional child. It was only available for the children who attended that daycare and other related children. She did this 1-2 times a month for 6 months. She averaged 30-40 children from age 2-12 and paid 3 workers $7 an hour. She served pizza, popcorn and juice. Her expenses were usually around $200 and her profit was about $500, so over the course of 6 months she made about $4000 for her adoption fund. Great job, Hannah! Home for Good Foundation Casual Friday Ask your employer if they would be willing to have a "casual Friday" with the proceeds going to your adoption fund. Each person who participates will give $5 to your adoption fund. Connect with Others There are several groups and forums you can join online to get great new ideas every day. To get you started visit Fundraising for Adoption Crop 'Till You Drop You scrap-bookers know what I'm talking about, don't you! This is where you get together all of your friends and family that love to scrapbook (or want to learn!) and you have 6 or 8 glorious hours of no kids or husbands needing you, no phones ringing off the wall and no housework to call you! *Hint: Consider asking a scrap booking consultant to come to your crop. She can demonstrate techniques, help people with their pages, sell her products and give you a portion of the sales. Current is a well-known and reputable company, so this should be a good fundraiser for many people. You can sell through the catalog they supply or use the internet and let them order online. Either way, you keep 50% of the profits! Ebay Many families have found that selling items they already have laying around their house is a great way to make some extra money and also get ready for their new addition! Free Webpage, or all offer free website creation and hosting. You can even include a Paypal donation button for family and friends to use along with selling items on your website. Need some ideas? Consider making printed note cards that have a drawing from one of your children or a picture of their birth country on them. Or maybe you have a talent you could feature on the site and take orders. Have an online sale of items you no longer need. Post pictures and prices and give it a catch name like "Making Room for Rachel!" Then tell everyone you know! The more people know about your adoption process the more interested they will be in helping you out! Fundraiser Websites and for LOTS of ideas! You can search several different ways on these websites (by state, category, ect.) They may help you find a great fundraiser- or spark your imagination to come up with one of your own! Green Thumb? Try a bulb fundraiser through Dutch Mill Bulbs . You could sell that produce from your over flowing garden of tomatoes or zucchini! Or sell your extra produce at a local market. That is a hobby that can really help your adoption "grow". |
Heavenly Light Candles This is a great company to use if a candle fundraiser sounds right up your alley! The owner, Trish, has agreed to give Affording Adoption Families a Consulting Handbook, catalog and sample FREE OF CHARGE to help you get started!
Kingdom Kids Adoption 1417 N. Lincoln Spokane, WA 99201 509-465-3520 [email protected] Mystery Shopping Recycling You've all heard about ink jet recycling by now, right? Go to Empties 4 Cash or Cartridge Fundraising You may also want to considering recycling cell phones at Phone Fund and Old Cell Phone or Cell Fund Here's another idea to go with the recycling theme, why not have a recycling drive? Silent Auction Friends and family can ask businesses to donate items, hang up fliers around town, help set up the day of the auction, and so on. Sell used books on Amazon Start your own business! FWCC, Heart and Seoul, Celebrate Adoption Skating Party to benefit your adoption at your local rink American Clothing Recycling Co. Spa Day Family & Friend created Cookbook Gather recipes from family and friends and make a cookbook through Fundcraft or Morris Cookbooks Grants/Loans
Federal Adoption Tax Credit and Refund (Starting 2011)
Starting in 2011 the new Universal Health Care allows for a tax credit and refund even retro active, this is a huge victory to adoptive parents. Visit our blog for more details. The ABBA Fund The ABBA Fund provides financial assistance to Christian couples who are called by God to expand their families through adoption. Child Adoption Funds Child Adoption Funds helps adoptive parents to set up their own foundation accounts. A Child's Desire Grants for families seeking to adopt hard to place children, children with special needs and children over the age of eight. A Child Waits Foundation Loans are provided to prospective parents for the purpose of international adoption. Christian Advocates for Adoption (CAFA) Funding your adoption through CAFA is not by means of a grant, loan or gift from this ministry, but by inviting others to participate with you financially in this blessed event. Fore Adoption Foundation Fore Adoption is a non-profit group founded by PGA professional Kirk Triplett and his wife Cathi. National Adoption Foundation providing financial support, information, and services for adoptive and prospective adoptive families. United Way International provides assistance for costs of travel for children adopted with illness needing immediate medical attention. Call (703) 519-0092 for more information Oxford Adoption Foundation, Inc. Low interest loans available to adoptive parents Shaohannah's Hope Awarding financial grants to families who are in the process of adopting a child domestically or internationally. Freddie Mac Foundation 8250 Jones Branch Drive McLean, VA 22102 703-918-8888 Karla Darcy Director of Adoption Fundraising Kingdom Kids Adoption Ministries 1417 N. Lincoln, Spokane, WA 99201 |